Radio Frequency Ablation System

SKU: 1d8186e4-30e0-4d19-870a-0f871f200856 Category:


With enhanced sensitivity and three-electrode ablation
capability, smart impedance tracking algorithm and full-electrode water-cooling
design, the Dophi™ R150E RF Ablation System provides a wide and precise
ablation zone even in the most challenging tissues. In addition to the
traditional 17G, 19G electrodes are also available primarily for thyroid

Three-electrode Simultaneous Ablation for Larger Ablation Area in
Shorter Time

 Three Electrode Ablation Synchronization

Needle for Large Irregular Tumors with a More Controllable
Ablation Pattern

Intelligent Impedance Monitoring Algorithm

Excellent Water Cooling Technology for Minimal Tissue

·       Slick and Simple User Interface
for Easy Use
