Montania 4896


Montania 4896 Real-Time PCR Instrument


Temperature distribution of +/-0.1 °C throughout the whole thermal
block, a LED light which is capable of exciting with constant intensity during
its practically lifelong use, fiber optic translation of every emission
read-out and a PMT module system that enables exquisite measurement via
physical amplification of each photon’s energy.


And the outstanding software that allows manual optimization in
addition to its automated analysis option, completes the picture.


It is well known that the accuracy of the thermal cycles and achieving
temperature uniformity between tubes, so that all samples undergo the same
thermal conditions, are prerequisites for a reliable PCR reaction.


The result is:

  • No background noise, no need for calibration;
  • Inter-instrument, and inter-well variation below 0.4 CT;
  • A superior performance where standard curve correlation coefficients of
    0.999 are regarded as ordinary, in addition to reliable, sensitive and reproducible
  • A perfect colleague that undertakes all the cumbersome work, with its
    automated configuration and optional barcode reader system.
