
Follow these steps each time you use DULERA
Before you use DULERA for the first time, you must prime the inhaler.
  • To prime the inhaler, hold it in the upright position and release 4 actuations (puffs) into the air, away from your face.
  • Shake the inhaler well before each of the priming puffs. The dose counter will initially show the number ‘64’ or ‘124’. After priming 4 times, the dose counter should read either ‘60’ or ‘120’.
  • If you do not use the inhaler for more than 5 days, you will need to prime it again before using.
  • Confirm that the strength indicated on the actuator and canister labels matches the prescribed dosage.

  • Take the cap off the mouthpiece.
  • Check the mouthpiece for objects before use. Make sure the canister is fully loaded into the inhaler.
  • Shake the inhaler well before each use.

  • Breathe out as much as you comfortably can through your mouth. Push out as much air from your lungs as possible. Hold the inhaler in the upright position and place the mouthpiece into your mouth. Close your lips around the mouthpiece.
  • Take a deep breath in slowly through your mouth. While doing this, press down firmly and fully on the top of the canister until it stops moving. Take your finger off the canister.
  • When you have finished breathing in, hold your breath as long as you can, without discomfort, up to 10 seconds. Then remove the inhaler from your mouth. At the same time, breathe out through your nose, while keeping your lips closed.

  • Wait at least 30 seconds to take your second puff of DULERA.
  • Each puff from the inhaler should be done in the same manner, following the same Shake and Inhale procedure.
  • Replace the cap over the mouthpiece right away after use.
  • After you have finished taking the 2 puffs of DULERA, rinse your mouth with water. Spit out the water. Do not swallow it.

  • The 120-puff inhaler can be stored in any position. For the 60-puff inhaler, after priming, store the inhaler with the mouthpiece down or sideways.
  • Store your inhaler at room temperature.