NovoSorb Technology


biocompatible polymers are designed to support different functions of the body
and then biodegrade into by-products that can be absorbed and excreted by the


The patented
NovoSorb polymers can be produced in a range of formats with different
mechanical and degradation properties. In addition to NovoSorb BTM, they can be
used for thermoplastic extrusions, filaments for weaving or knitting and as a
solution for spray or dip coatings of other devices. This versatility leads to
a promising product pipeline for PolyNovo.


synthetic materials, rather than biologic, means there is an absence of foreign
sensitizing proteins, which can help reduce the risk of rejection. Most
importantly, because NovoSorb does not contain any biologic material to feed
bacterial infection, NovoSorb devices have been shown to be robust in the
presence of infection.

Attributes of NovoSorb:

  • Polymers and its degradants have excellent
  • Unparalleled range of mechanical properties and
    degradation times
  • Versatile formats enabling many product
    development/application options
  • Patents on drug and antimicrobial elution
  • Scalable manufacturing process
  • Robust in the presence of infection
  • No tissue tracking
  • Devices can be stored at room temperature (≤ 25° C)