High power laser
2 laser modules of wavelengths 808 and 980 nm
Power corresponding to 8 and 10 W
Applied energy at the highest power up to 18 W
By activating the gate mechanism of Wall and Melzack, it is possible to achieve significant analgesic effects
Very good, especially analgesic therapeutic results achievable by deep tissue penetration in a short application time
Possibility of use in traditional and biostimulation laser therapy
Intended for therapeutic procedures:
- by high-energy laser radiation in the invisible part of the spectrum (for wavelength 808 and/or 980 nm) with a visible pilot beam of wavelength 660 nm, the radiation source is integrated laser modules
- biostimulating laser radiation in the visible part of the spectrum (for a wavelength of 660 nm) and invisible parts of the spectrum (for a wavelength of 808 nm) using the included laser applicators
7″ touch color display with high resolution
- 3 application attachments: 1 cm 2 , 5 cm 2 , DILA
- cooperation with applicators: scanning, shower and point probes
- emission modes: continuous, pulse, superpulse
- regulation of fill or pulse duration
- automatic recalculation of the performance duration in connection with the size of the treated area
- 50 preset programs for high energy probes
- 51 preset programs for point probes 808 nm
- 20 preset programs for point probes 650/660 nm
- 55 preset programs for the shower applicator
- 26 preset sequences for the scanning laser applicator
- 30 preset programs with Voll frequency