Antiseptic Spray For Hands And Devices


Sanitizing 99%
of hands, gadgets and any surrounding surfaces.


For quick
disinfection of hands or gadgets: while walking, traveling, outdoors, in the
office – anywhere and anytime, use an antiseptic spray for hands and gadgets
made by Evalar.




• Ethyl alcohol
content – 70%


• Not every
antibacterial agent is an antiseptic. In order not only to reduce the number of
microbes, but to reduce the risk of infection with viruses and bacteria, it
must contain at least 60% alcohol. The antiseptic spray by Evalar contains more
– 70% ethyl alcohol: at this concentration, ethanol penetrates into the deep
layers of the epidermis for a more pronounced antiseptic effect.


• Sanitation –

Ethyl alcohol
in the composition provides a high degree of disinfection – 99%.


• Does not
leave traces, film, stickiness, etc., as it contains only alcohol and water


• Suitable for
disinfection of most surfaces, including plastic and glass


• Convenient
spray nozzle

Apply a small
amount of the solution to the surface and rub until completely dry.
