Biopsy and ICSI Microscopes


Microscopes for an optimized IVF procedures flow
CooperSurgical offers ideal solutions to allow optimised ICSI and Biopsy work in the lab. ​
Our workstations can be equipped with inverted microscopes with room for manipulation that offer high resolution and high contrast imaging.
Modulation / Relief Contrast for IVF Procedures​
Also called relief contrast microscopy, or Hoffman modulation contrast, this technique is used when observing colourless, transparent samples. ​
Modulation contrast converts the difference in surface heights of a sample to brightness contrast for observation. This allows for samples to be viewed in 3D and thus this microscopy is suitable for observing sperm and egg cells.​
Why Modulation Contrast?​
  • ​Specimens appear three dimensional​
  • Observation of cells in plastic containers​
  • Observation of sperms, oocytes, blastocysts and embryos