
It is the first laser workstation in the world with four different handpieces that can cover three depth of skin effectively. All professional all over the world continuously seeking for the ultimate hair removal treatment . According to the increasing demands, CPMT created Ares’s unique workstation with four handpieces and different wavelengths simultaneously each with its own advantages .

755 nm handpiece featuring high absorption by melanin pigments to successfully treat fine lighter hair 
1064 nm handpiece provides deep penetration targeting deep hair follicles and safe also for dark skin types.
808 nm handpiece (Diode laser) the optimal wavelength for safety removing coarse and fine hair in all skin types .
Simultaneous triple wavelength 755-808-1064 nm handpiece combines effects of 755 nm, 808 nm and 1064 nm in one handpiece and it is effective on benign vascular lesions and vascular dependent removal .

The laser transforms into thermal energy which in turn terminates hair growth by destroying surrounding stem sells .CPMT Ares unique handpieces overcome the challenges of various skin types ,hair types and hair density with unpresented results by emitting up to 170 joules laser beams in seven different handpieces with different wavelengths including simultaneous three wavelength
755-808-1064 , three handpieces with single wavelength 755 nm , 808 nm and 1064 nm.

CPMT ARES with delivering low fluence and high frequency laser so that the issues heating is gradual and therefore safer for the skin . Ares distributes the laser energy uniformly over the treatment area or homogeneous coverage with superior results .

This unique technologies meet the trinity of hair removal requirements safety, efficacy and speed and they do so without compromise .CPMT ARES workstation is also effective and safe for Benign vascular and vascular dependent lesions removal. 

Indeed, ARES, using three types of wavelength , can remove all types of unwanted hair ,no matter which those hairs are superficially or deeply.

Advantages of the modern technologies of CPMT ARES:

  • One of wavelength in CPMT ARES is 755nm that its penetration is superficial , so it it usable for Hair removal in skin type I and II
  • Another wavelength in CPMT ARES is diode 808 nm Which is the gold standard for hair removal and it is perfect for all types of skin, even tanned skin.
  • The third wavelength is 1064 nm (Nd: YAG laser), this wavelength is able to penetrate to deeper layers of skin and that is suitable for skin types V and VI.