Concentrated extract helps regulate your lungs to breathe easily and smoothly!
Made in Taiwan, a go-to nutritional supplement for Orientals. Immunity strengthening!
Helps with circulation, metabolization and discharge for your lungs, brings a flow of fresh air quality to the
body. Brings beauty to your complexion, bolsters physical strength, and stimulates vitality to your health.
Boosts protection to your body, refreshes your mind with clear thoughts, and keeps your body vigorous on
a daily basis.
body. Brings beauty to your complexion, bolsters physical strength, and stimulates vitality to your health.
Boosts protection to your body, refreshes your mind with clear thoughts, and keeps your body vigorous on
a daily basis.
Cordyceps militaris , American ginseng, Angelica, Monk Fruit, Licorice, Jujube, Agedginger, Astragalus
root, Mint, Kumquat, Fructooligosaccharides .
root, Mint, Kumquat, Fructooligosaccharides .
Natural & simple way to bring health benefits and health!
A breath of fresh air can cleanse your lungs and bring health!
Made in Taiwan
A breath of fresh air can cleanse your lungs and bring health!
Made in Taiwan