SKU: 0edbd8b7-3881-401e-af7c-ee3f4cbe3777 Categories: , , ,


DG-5 BASIC is a highly technological 5W diode laser for the odontoiatric practice. As a surgical tool is effective and decisive, it makes possible vaporization and incisions with great precision, control of the cut’s depth and a perfect coagulation without any effect of carbonization of the treated tissue. Respect to traditional instruments such as scalpel cold knife and electrosurgical, the diode laser is characterized as conservative tool that eliminates few layers cell and has significant clinical advantages such as: – The reduced use of anesthetic become to the analgesic action of laser radiation – Perfect sterilization of the treated tissues and hemostatis of the surgical field without application of sutures. The thermal effect of the elimination of the bacterial flora and the action anti-inflammatory make DG-5 BASIC the best tool in the treatment of periodontal pockets, treatment of perimplantar and in the disinfection of root canals. The biostimulation action of the reparative metabolic processes that involving synthesis of fibroblasts, the increase microcirculation and the venous-lymphatic drainage, allow fast recovery of the joined epithelial and rapid cicatrization that improve the healing process. In the field of traumatology, the diode laser is used in the treatment and of many diseases allow a rapid resolution of pain and functional recovery of the effected part.
