SKU: 812a0090-e5ad-45fb-9ff2-9d79c498b0e0 Categories: , ,


Cross-platform analyzer application

dSCOPE is a free real-time video analyzer intended for
DELTACAST I/O cards. It allows inspection of SDI, DVI and HDMI™ signals from
different viewpoints. From colorimetry information to audio content and VBI
waveforms, any aspect of the signal can be examined, through interfaces and representations
your broadcast engineers are used to work with.

dSCOPE is not only a powerful tool to assist you in your own
product development and qualification; it is also a practical solution for
deployment and interoperability issues tracking in the field, as it can be
installed beside your application on the target platform, to be used in case of
suspicion about the input/output signals content, compliance, or validity. No
more need for those heavy waveform monitors; yours in now included in your
product box.
