The solution: fasciotens®Abdomen
- Prevents
fascial retraction - Keeps the
abdominal wall under tension - Increases the
intra-abdominal volume - Lowers the
intra-abdominal pressure as a result - Enables direct,
early closure - Can reduce
fasciotens®Abdomen achieves the best possible results if it
is used immediately after the open abdomen has been created.
fasciotens®Abdomen applies vertical traction to the fascia
and can thus prevent fascial retraction, increase intra-abdominal volume and
reduce intra-abdominal pressure. These three effects accelerate closure and
increase the rate of closure. However, the patient is not the only one to
benefit from the use of fasciotens® Abdomen. Fewer revisions, a shorter
hospital stay and better utilisation of DRGs also enable the hospital to make
savings. fasciotens®Abdomen lends itself to combination with other therapies
(e.g. vacuum therapy) and can also be integrated easily into the nursing routine
on the ICU.