

Intragastric air balloon for the non-surgical treatment of obesity.

The Heliosphere intragastric balloon is a medical device intended for the non-surgical treatment of obesity. The principle is simple: occupy volume in the stomach in order to help the patient obtain a feeling of satiety more quickly. Thus, the presence of the ball helps the patient to eat less and lose weight.
Heliosphere is a unique concept of a balloon entirely inflated with air in order to limit or avoid the disadvantages and side effects known with a liquid-filled equivalent. The use of air is not a trivial choice. The weight of the inflated balloon is less than 15 grams, which allows it to be positioned freely in the stomach, without applying pressure to the gastric mucous membranes during the carrying period. It guarantees better comfort for the patient and considerably reduces post-implantation nausea and vomiting. Thus the patient’s quality of life is maintained on a daily basis while allowing them to better manage their diet.
Totally innovative in its design, the Heliosphere intragastric balloon constitutes an alternative for people who wish to act for their health (commit to a program, in a weight loss process). It is an effective aid both in the prevention of severe obesity and its risks and in the treatment of established obesity. Heliosphere is a solution for those who do not wish or cannot benefit from obesity surgery.