Luna EMG is a rehabilitation and diagnostic robot for professional
therapy of patients with functional deficits as a result of anti-cancer
treatment within the upper, lower and trunk limbs.
The Luna EMG device can be used in oncology patients:
- in post-surgical conditions
- in states after chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- after prolonged immobilization
- after mastectomy
- with neuropathy as a result of cytostatic treatment
- with deficits
Luna EMG allows you to perform, among others:
- robotic passive exercises
- strength exercises
- dynamic resistance exercises
- exercises using rehabilitation games
- work on flaccid and spastic paresis using reactive electromyography
The device allows you to:
- assessment of the range of passive and active movement of the main
joints - dynamometric assessment of muscle strength
- assessment of muscle activity using EMG
- for active work with patients with muscle strength from “1”
on the Lovett scale - rehabilitation of the trunk and major joints
- conducting training using biofeedback and rehabilitation games
- generating training reports
- keeping records of patient trainings in the software
- integration with a rehabilitation chair that facilitates patient
Luna EMG includes a set of 6 tips for rehabilitation within:
- hips and knees
- feet
- shoulder
- elbow
- forearm (pronation/supination)
- trunk (handlebar end)