



Environmentally Friendly and Safe for Humans and Devices

Utilizing advanced plasma technology, the product converts hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) disinfectant into water and allows for natural drying, eliminating the
need for additional cleaning. It has no residual toxicity.


Consideration for Medical Safety with Particle Size

The spray particles are designed to be 20 micrometers (μm) in size,
preventing them from penetrating into the lower respiratory tract and lungs.


Quiet Sterilization and Disinfection Operation

Compared to other products that generate significant noise, this
product operates quietly at around 55dB, similar to the noise level in a
typical office environment.


Convenient, Fast, and Lightweight

Simply fill the device with the disinfectant solution, press the power
and spray gun buttons, and the sterilization process starts and stops
immediately. The weight of the spray gun is approximately 500g, making it easy
and lightweight for anyone to operate.


Quick Reuse of Space

In narrow, enclosed spaces, the area can be reused after 10 to 20
minutes following disinfection, For larger, open spaces, reuse is possible
within 30 to 60 minutes after the disinfection process.
