Plain Agarose Beads

SKU: 0b3c5eea-37e8-4527-9d76-246af80f56b5 Categories: ,


ABT offers a wide range of plain and crosslinked agarose beads with different agarose concentrations (2, 4, 6, 8, & 10%) in different particle distributions: Standard (50-150µm), Fine(20-50µm), and Macro (150-350µm). ABT also has developed Rapid Run™ which are based on highly crosslinked 4% and 6% agarose matrices used for industrial scale separations.

Sepadextran™ (25 & 50) is a beaded gel filtration medium prepared by crosslinking dextran. Both types are available in three different particle sizes Medium, Fine, and Superfine in which ABT supplies in its dry form.
