Proh-Lock Lateral Proximal Humerus ALP Plate


  • Proximal suture holes or temporary fixation with Kirschner wires to
    help maintain fracture reduction.
  • The plates are made of titanium alloy (Ti6Al4C ELI).
  • Rounded profile body.
  • Proximal holes (Zone A – E) for 3.5mm locking screws allow for an
    angularly stable configuration to increase grip in osteoporotic bone and
    multifragmentary fractures.
  • Combination holes for the use of normal or locking screws



  • 3- and 5-hole plates
  • Optimum screw placement.
  • Proximal suture holes to help maintain fracture reduction.


Surgical Recommendations

The use of the PROH LOCK ALP Proximal Humerus Plate is recommended in
the following cases:



  • Displaced bifragmentary, trifragmentary or quadrifragmentary fractures
    of the proximal humerus, also in osteopenic bone
  • Nonunion of the proximal humerus
  • Osteotomies of the proximal humerus


General contraindications:

  • Systematic inflammatory response syndrome (to be evaluated by the
  • Septicemia
  • Osteomyelitis Patient unable to comply with postoperative care
  • Hypersensitivity to materials (stainless steel and titanium)
