The Sapphire Epidural pump is dedicated to Epidural infusion.
While sharing the key benefits with the Sapphire infusion platform, the
dedicated Epidural pump is tailored for Epidural applications:
- Yellow colored sets, Yellow colored faceplate, on-screen yellow colored
label - Limited rate ranges to ensure safe Epidural infusion.
The Sapphire Epidural includes several modes of delivery:
- PCEA (patient controlled epidural analgesia) – patient controlled “on-demand
doses” with optional basal rate and loading dose. - Intermittent Epidural – scheduled doses and optional basal rate.
- PIEB – combines the intermittent scheduled doses with PCEA. Giving
priority to the intermittent dose to ensure PIEB delivery and avoidance of dose
* For a complete Epidural infusion system see the Sapphire Epidural
administration sets, bolus handle and lockboxes.