Sapphire dedicated infusion backpack is specially designed
to facilitate the use of infusion by TPN homecare patients. It allows the
patients to comfortably carry the infusion pump and bag with them while
continuing their daily routine, as well as providing a convenient pack for the
infusion during the night.
Main features and benefits:
Suitable for carrying up to 4 liter infusion bags
‘Velcro-free’ to allow quiet handling during nighttime.
Designed with padded shoulders and back sweat pads, waist
strap, and a carrying handle for comfortable transportation. Shoulder and waist
straps can be removed and hidden when not in use
Designed as a regular backpack to prevent the “medical
equipment” look, and includes additional storage spaces for Infusion set, cell
phone, keys, wallet, 500ml water bottle, infusion pump, and external battery
Received the approval of the UK LITRE (Looking into the
Requirements for Equipment) organization
Includes hanging system, leads, and latches for the infusion
bag and line to prevent occlusion
Includes a transparent external compartment for the infusion
pump for easy access to the infusion pump screen without the need to move or
rearrange the infusion layout
The bag structure includes hard panels for further
protection of the infusion elements