What is TeleVU Suite?
Virtual Care using Augmented Reality and AI
TeleVU Suite consists of TeleVU iSee (web portal) and the Smart Glasses
powered by TeleVU uSee app to enable remote medical assistance through
audio/video communication, Augmented Reality (AR) & Artificial Intelligence
(AI) to help clinicians, health organizations and most importantly, patients.
TeleVU iSee enables AR collaboration and control over smart glasses
functionalities. With an intuitive interface, easy-to-use functionality, and
secure connectivity, remote medical and technical assistance is made easy. This
is Virtual Care at its best.
What are Smart Glasses?
IoT Smart Wearable AR Technology
Smart Glasses are wearable IoT devices with sufficient computing power
to run independent apps and allow AR (Augmented Reality) interactions. The
wearer can collect and stream audio/video information through the device’s
camera and receive information through the AR screen while leaving both hands
of the wearer free.
The AR information is superimposed on the transmissive display
positioned above the dominant eye of the wearer. The user can glance at this
screen as needed during medical interactions without being intrusive or
blocking their vision.
TeleVU enables voice commands for totally hands-free interaction with
the Smart Glasses. In addition, users can connect using Wi-Fi or cellular to
make seamless video calls and transfer data.
Out technology improves the quality of patient care and helps medical
caregivers work smarter, faster, and safer. It provides hands-on medical
caregivers with glanceable, voice-activated assistance designed to be worn all
day with its comfortable, lightweight profile.