

  1. The subject lies on their side, and a standard clinical proctoscope (disposable and included with the kit) is inserted into the rectum (a very common procedure).
  2. The device is then prepared and inserted into the proctoscope. A syringe is used to inject 80ml of air into the device.
  3. An elasticated membrane (balloon) is inflated against the rectal wall. The membrane is hydrophilic, attracting a thin layer of the rectal biofilm to its surface.
  4. After 10 seconds the membrane is retracted (back into the device), and the device removed from the proctoscope, which is then removed and disposed of.
  5. A stabilisation buffer is added to the sample (contained in a detachable component of the device), which is then sent to the laboratory for analysis.
  6. The remainder of the device and syringe is then disposed of according to local legislation.