Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125)

Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125)

CaA-125 also known as a mocin 16 or MUC16 is a protein that in humans is encoded by MUC16 gene. C16 is a member of the mucin family glycoproteins. CA-125 is the most frequently used biomarker for ovarian cancer detection.

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Product Specifications






PBS, 20% Sucrose, 0.1% Sodum Azide, pH 7.4


≥ 50,000 IU/mL, assayd on Roche Centaur


Immunopure and Purified

Cross Reactivity

Partially Purified: CEA, CA 15-3, CA 19-9< 15% Purified: ≥ 70% SDS-Page Immunopure: CEA, CA 15-3, CA 19-9<1%


2-8°C for short term, -20°C for long-term storage

Molecular Weight

Ranging from 200 to 2000kDa



Associated Products

Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125): Partially Purified, Purified, and Immunopure


Around 90% of women with advanced ovarian cancer have elevated levels of CA-125 in their blood scrum, making CA-125 a useful tool for detecting ovarian cancer after the onset of symptoms. CA-125 has limited specificity for ovarian cancer because elevated CA-125 levels can be found in individuals without ovarian cancer. For example, CA-125 is best known as a marker for ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, and gastrointestinal cancer. CA-125 may also be elevated in a number of relatively benign conditions, such as endometriosis, several disease of the ovary, menstruation, and a pregnancy.